Nowadays, acoustic pollution has reached noxious levels, and it has even been
declared as the third cause of environmental mortality by the World Health Organization,
right after air pollution and indirect ...[+]
Nowadays, acoustic pollution has reached noxious levels, and it has even been
declared as the third cause of environmental mortality by the World Health Organization,
right after air pollution and indirect exposition to tobacco. This is why
over the last decades the European Union has implemented several measures for
reducing noise levels across its territory. Among these measure, there is the approval
of progressively more restrictive laws on the permitted noise level for vehicles.
The increasing restrictions have forced manufacturers to implement some changes,
the mu er being one of the systems a ected. Until now, mu ers were designed
considering the conditions of the exhaust gas at the outlet of the exhaust manifold as
the inlet boundary conditions. However, over the last years the European Union has
also limited the emissions levels allowed, leading to the placement of after-treatment
systems between the exhaust manifold and the mu er.
The presence of these systems a ects the
uid-dynamic conditions of the exhaust
gases, thus making the mu er work in an operation point di erent to the optimum
for which it was designed. This forces the necessity of studying the acoustic behaviour
of the after-treatment systems in order to consider them for the mu er's design.
This report is part of a project focused on the acoustic characterization of those
mentioned after-treatmente systems. The characterization is done by testing the
systems in three di erent facilities: continous
ow test rig, impulse test rig, and hot
ow test rig. With these experimental measurements, the transfer matrix
of each system can be obtained, completely de ning its acoustic behaviour.
More speci cally, this work is focused on characterizing the behaviour of the
after-treatment system when there is presence of soot particles in the lter's channels.
[ES] El uso de sistemas de post-tratamiento de gases de escape en motores de combustión interna alternativos es hoy en día indispensable debido a las restricciones impuestas a la emisión de contaminantes. Al estar estos ...[+]
[ES] El uso de sistemas de post-tratamiento de gases de escape en motores de combustión interna alternativos es hoy en día indispensable debido a las restricciones impuestas a la emisión de contaminantes. Al estar estos sistemas posicionados aguas arriba del silenciador se hace necesario caracterizar el efecto de atenuación sobre la emisión acústica antes de la entrada a éste con el fin de optimizar el diseño acústico de la línea de escape. En este trabajo se pretende caracterizar la respuesta acústica de diferentes sistemas de post-tratamiento (DOC, DPF, SCR¿) por medio del análisis de resultados experimentales obtenidos bajo diferentes condiciones de operación.