[ES] El estudio aerodinámico de las alas de las aeronaves es fundamental en la ingeniería aeronáutica. Además de ser el elemento responsable de generar la sustentación, un buen diseño lleva a minimizar la resistencia, en ...[+]
[ES] El estudio aerodinámico de las alas de las aeronaves es fundamental en la ingeniería aeronáutica. Además de ser el elemento responsable de generar la sustentación, un buen diseño lleva a minimizar la resistencia, en otras palabras, maximizar la eficiencia aerodinámica. En este trabajo se propone un modelo computacional con la intención de, en primer lugar, obtener las características aerodinámicas del perfil y del ala tridimensional, y en segundo lugar, realizar modificaciones según la bibliografía para mejorar su comportamiento.
[EN] In the aeronautical eld, the study of the aerodynamics of a commercial plane's
wing is fundamental to improve its e ciency, reduce the fuel consumption and even
reducing noise emisions. The experimentation in the ...[+]
[EN] In the aeronautical eld, the study of the aerodynamics of a commercial plane's
wing is fundamental to improve its e ciency, reduce the fuel consumption and even
reducing noise emisions. The experimentation in the plane's aerodynamics its support
by the computer modellig to help to the design, development and optimization. On
this Final Degree Assignment the main aim has been the caracterisation of a wing of
the Boeing 737 through a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach.
In order to reach this goal the open source OpenFOAM R
has been chosen. CFD
nowadays represents a valuable tool in engineering problems, capable even of replacing
many experimental tests. First of all, it is de ned the domain and the grid adopted to
represent it, in this way the solution obtained must be independent of the geometry
chosen. A compressible
ow study over a wing can provide very useful information
about the e cency of the aerodynamics and main performance of the wing on cruise,
without taking into account complexities due to the viscous phenomena happening in
the boundary layer. Analytic results related to the principal force's coe cients of wings
can be calculated with several theories, mainly for elliptical wings. Within this context,
the purpose achieved of this dissertation is to validate code for transitory, compressible
ow at high velocities around a wing on cruise.
When simulating the wing at di erent con gurations of
ight and varying di erent
kind of winglet devices, it is concluded that winglet whitcomb with 5o of angle of
attach and Mach 0.745 presets until a 6% of improvement in the e cency in reference
to the wing without winglet, and 3% in reference to the winglet blended. These nal
results di er depending on the velocity of the wing, so then although achiving clearly
advantages these widgets had yet a wide eld of research ahead.