[EN] The problematic of the current dependence of fossil fuels and other non-renewable
sources of energy, and how many biotechnological approaches, such as the production of
biohydrogen in cyanobacteria, can help us to ...[+]
[EN] The problematic of the current dependence of fossil fuels and other non-renewable
sources of energy, and how many biotechnological approaches, such as the production of
biohydrogen in cyanobacteria, can help us to overcome this situation were discussed in
this report. Here, the potential of Synechocystis sp. PC 6803 as a hydrogen biofactory was
With that aim, a computational model developed using MATLAB as numerical computing
environment was built from the ground. The objective of the model was to simulate the
metabolical fluxes of electrons in the electron transport chain in the thylakoid membrane
of Synechocystis sp. PC 6803, with particular emphasis on biohydrogen synthesis by the
reversible oxygen-intolerant reversible [Ni-Fe] hydrogenase Hox.
While still in an early stage of development, this computational model has proved its
capability to simulate the behavior of the photosynthetic electron transport chain of
Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and the synthesis of biohydrogen under different conditions
and modifications.
The future iterations of the model will be able to simulate additional mechanisms, while
providing more accurate and biologically significant data to metabolic engineers.
[ES] En este sentido, la comprensión holística de la fotosíntesis es fundamental en la orientación de posibles estrategias experimentales para optimizar cepas que persigan tal fin. El alumno se encargará de hacer un estudio ...[+]
[ES] En este sentido, la comprensión holística de la fotosíntesis es fundamental en la orientación de posibles estrategias experimentales para optimizar cepas que persigan tal fin. El alumno se encargará de hacer un estudio dirigido sobre la cadena electrónica fotosintética, comprender sus características y transformar dicha información en parámetros numéricos que serán integrados en ecuaciones matemáticas. Asimismo se encargará de simular y analizar los resultados obtenidos numéricamente con el fin de predecir y comprender la producción de hidrógeno. Recibirá formación, por lo tanto, en los fenómenos asociados a la fotosíntesis, así como en el modelado y simulación de procesos biológicos. La presente investigación se enmarca dentro del proyecto de la Comisión Europea Cyanofactory (FP7-Energy 308518) .