Vidal Meló, Anna; del Rey Tormos, Romina; Sapena Piera, Almanzor; Roig Sala, Bernardino; Estruch Fuster, Vicente Domingo; Boigues Planes, Francisco José; Alba Fernández, Jesús(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-03-31)
[EN] This article shows how students can approach hall acoustics problems in a rst degreecourse with the aid of Mathematics subjects. In this way, students nd a direct applicationto their future workplace ...
Gómez-Tejedor, José A.; Monsoriu Serra, Juan Antonio(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-03-31)
[EN] In this paper we present an application for Android mobile device able of measuring the
fundamental frequency of a sound very precisely. This application may be used in diverse
fields as in music for tuning musical ...
Gutiérrez Romero, José Enrique; Zamora, Blas; Esteve, Jerónimo A.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-03-31)
[EN] An alternative teaching-learning methodology for the subject "Hydrodynamic, Resistance and Propulsion" in Degrees concerned with NAval Engineering, is presented. The goal of the pedagogical approach is the acquirement ...