Gozalvo Llácer, José Francisco; Ávila Aguilera, Tirso José; Jordà Pla, Rafael; Máñez Rodero, Javier; Ciscar Juan, Salvador; Salas Trejo, Xavier(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-03-03)
[EN] The historical irrigation system of Torrent --“Barranc de l'Horteta” and “Séquia de les Fonts”-
- has evolved as an independent hydraulic space. It is an ancient irrigation system, dating back from the
earliest ...
Guilló Durá, Margarita; Montaner Alonso, Juan Miguel(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-03-03)
[EN] The ancient wetland of the Albufera de Elche has important ecological and cultural values, not fully recognized by the local and regional administrations. The real protagonists of the conservation of this area, ...
Rivera, José A.; Arellano, Juan Estevan; Lamadrid, Enrique R.; Martínez Saldaña, Tomás(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-03-03)
[EN] The acequias of the upper Río Grande are more than just irrigation canals. They
also allocate and manage water for the community of landowners in the system. After four
centuries of use, the acequias persist into ...
Peris Albentosa, Tomás(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-03-03)
[EN] This paper aims to discuss the dual institutional model commonly used to explain the
Valencian historical hydraulic systems, which confronts the autonomous management of the Huerta
de Valencia with the autonomous ...
Frías Castillejo, Carolina(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-03-03)
[EN] The “Reg Major de l’Alfàs y Benidorm” is an historical irrigation system that dates back to the
mid 17th century and that crosses through the lands of Polop, la Nucia, l’Alfàs del Pi and Benidorm, located
in the ...