Marín García, Teresa(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-07-05)
[EN] (a)topia(s) is proposed as an Art-Based Research. It is a process of inquiry that through the artistic practice tries to reflect on real forms of dislocated discomfort of the current society. We use the ...
Prado, Gilbertto(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-07-05)
[EN] The Poéticas Digitaisgroup was created in 2002 at the Visual Arts Department at Communication and Arts School at University of São Paulo as a multidisciplinary group to promote the development of experimental ...
Albelda Raga, José; Sgaramella, Chiara(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-07-05)
[EN] The interdisciplinary research project entitled Environmental humanities. Strategies for ecological empathy and the transition towards sustainable societies investigates the role of ethics, visual arts and literature ...
Flores Flores, Nallely Natali(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-07-05)
[EN] On this paper we develop a comparative approach between two art objects of different nature: first of them is film called Zócalo (Alÿs, 1999); and, second of them, is Santa María del Circo novel (Toscana, ...
Santos Almeida Ribeiro, Maristela(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-07-05)
[EN] This article proposes a reflection about the methods of creation of the image from two artistic projects: the first one consists of a series of works developed in Feira de Santana and Salvador de Bahía, in the Northeast ...