[EN] Over the past decade, it can be observed a steady growth in the use of terms such as Place
Branding, Nation Branding, Destination Branding and City Branding. Both in academic
research and in the practical applications ...[+]
[EN] Over the past decade, it can be observed a steady growth in the use of terms such as Place
Branding, Nation Branding, Destination Branding and City Branding. Both in academic
research and in the practical applications of city management, this new paradigm takes
shape and, along with it, the need for definitions and concepts, methods and methodologies
and the establishment of technical and theoretical standards. This approach was born in
the Marketing field, specifically in what was called Place Marketing. In this context
Branding stands out as a solution tool for the necessity of differentiation, generation of
solid images and establishing identity signs and symbols, in order to leverage economic
advantages for countries, cities and regions. In a way, fulfilling, in the first instance, a
similar role to the branding of products and services. But it was specifically in the
Corporate Branding that were found the biggest matches to adapt this knowledge to the
management of cities images. Ashworth & Kavaratzis (2009) highlight the fact that both
present multidisciplinary roots, a multiple number of stakeholders, high degree of
intangibility and complexity of social responsibility, the multiplicity of identities and the
need of a long-term development are strong examples their similarities. The development
and management of corporate identities, here expanded to the Corporate Branding, it is a
prolific field of Design. Through it, great names of the area made their careers and built
great legacy. In Brazil, the time of greater proficiency in the area were the 50s and 60s,
dominated by modernist thought, and, coincidentally or not, exactly the time that focused
efforts to assert the identity of the designer as a professional (STOLARSKI, 2006). In
contrast, in the literature produced in the marketing field, often the role of design in this
context is reduced to merely promotional measures, such as creating logos or advertising
campaigns. In other words, defined as a work of low complexity. This approach comes at
odds with contemporary theories of design, such as MetaDesign, Design Thinking and
Collaborative Design, in which are presented methodological models of high relevance for
the identification, analysis and solution of complex problems involving multiple elements
and agents.