Campo Baeza, Alberto; Rubio Garrido, Alberto Jose; Ruiz de la Rosa, José Antonio; Salgado de la Rosa, María Asunción; Pernas, Inés; Serra Lluch, Juan de Ribera; Trillo de Leyva, Juan Luis; Raposo Grau, Javier Francisco; Echeverría Valiente, Ernesto(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-11-21)
Andjelkovic, Katarina(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-11-21)
[EN] Some of the recent art practices have recognized that architectural design process can provide a source of new drawing practices while contextualizing our kinaesthetic experience of space. We can hypothesize that a ...
Colombo Ruiz, Sergio(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-11-21)
[EN] The idea of unitary urbanism germinated in the Situationist International, but it was the New Babylon maquettes by the Dutch artist Constant Nieuwenhuys which gave it form as a centre of different forms of expression. ...
Marcos Alba, Carlos L.; Allepuz Pedreño, Angel; Juan Gutiérrez, Pablo Jeremías(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-11-21)
[EN] Gestalt theory laid the foundations to infer perceptual laws through empirical experiences relating the phenomenon of visual perception with epistemology. Thus, determining perceptual aspects involved in graphic design ...
Salgado de la Rosa, María Asunción; Raposo Grau, Javier Fco.; Butragueño Díaz-Guerra, Belén(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-11-21)
[EN] According to the changes that
occurred throughout the 60’s,
70’s and 80’s of the 20th century,
graphic proposals of architects
experienced a period of amazing
creative explosion.
During that period, the ...