[EN] In the rabbit, dermatophytosis (ringworm,
favus) is mainly caused by two types of fungi, Mícrosporum canis and
Trichophyton mentagrophytes, and infrequently by Microsporum
gypseum. Fungus develops inside of the ...
[EN] Data from about 1000 litters were analysed to draw
inferences of genetic parameters for doe litter traits, using restricted
maximum likelihood (REML) procedures based on a doe repeatability
model. The traits under ...
[EN] The number of replicates required to detect
differences of variable size at severa! levels of significance, has been
determined for growth, lactation and digestion traits from the
equation : n ~ s2
x t2 x 2Jd2
• ...
[EN] The effect of differences between tested ingredient and
basal diet dry matter content and the effect of premix inclusion on the
digestible nutrient content of tested feedstuffs are analysed. The
calculation procedures ...
[EN] Over a 9 months trial, the effect of propylene glycol (PG) added to
drinking water (2%) to improve the reproductive peñormance of does
was studied in a commercial rabbitry. Five reproduction cycles were
evaluated ...