Liu, Lichen; MEIRA, DEBORA M.; Arenal, Raul; Concepción Heydorn, Patricia; Puga, Alberto V.; Corma Canós, Avelino(American Chemical Society, 2019-12-06)
[EN] Identification of active sites in heterogeneous metal catalysts is critical for understanding the reaction mechanism at the molecular level and for designing more efficient catalysts. Because of their structural ...
Liu, Lichen; Lopez-Haro, Miguel; Meira, Debora M.; Concepción Heydorn, Patricia; Calvino, Jose J.; Corma Canós, Avelino(John Wiley & Sons, 2020-09-01)
[EN] Preparation of supported metal catalysts with uniform particle size and coordination environment is a challenging and important topic in materials chemistry and catalysis. In this work, we report the regioselective ...
Bai, Risheng; Navarro Villalba, Mª Teresa; Song, Yue; Zhang, Tianjun; Zou, Yongcun; Feng, Zhaochi; Zhang, Peng; Corma Canós, Avelino; Yu, Jihong(The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020-12-07)
[EN] Titanosilicate zeolites are catalysts of interest in the field of fine chemicals. However, the generation and accessibility of active sites in titanosilicate materials for catalyzing reactions with large molecules is ...