Ilustrafic 2015

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Congreso bianual, vinculado al Máster en Diseño e Ilustración de la Universitat Politècnica de València, cuya vocación es generar un espacio de reflexión en torno a la imagen y a la cultura visual en sus diferentes aplicaciones, haciendo hincapié en la aproximación de diversas disciplinas artísticas y en su interrelación. Para ello, se plantea una aproximación al análisis de la imagen gráfica desde diferentes ámbitos, más allá de la propia ilustración, como son el diseño, la fotografía, la pintura y la animación. Entre las líneas de investigación que nos gustaría acometer, nos interesa analizar la capacidad dialéctica e informativa de estos lenguajes, su hibridación y la heterogeneidad de sus enunciados constructivos, su constante renovación y presencia mediática, para reflexionar sobre los nuevos mecanismos de lectura que fomentan con el desarrollo de metalenguajes multidisciplinares que condicionan nuestra mirada.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 23
  • Publication
    El medio es el mensaje. Génesis y desarrollo de la imagen sobre la plancha de metal
    (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-11-25) Rodríguez León, Alejandro; Departamento de Dibujo; Facultad de Bellas Artes; Centro de Investigación Arte y Entorno
    [EN] There are two ways of comprehending and making engraving. The first vision understands it as the development of a skill or of a technology, which usefulness is based on being able to reproduce pre designed or pre conceived images. The second meaning however, defines engraving as an artistic language, as an authentic syntax of the form, where the own expressive conditions that arise from the divergent thought are generated. Creative engraving exposes certain physical and sensory qualities, which refers us to a complex drawing process, opened to the personal experiences of the matter being transformed, using our own hands and our own body to explore, to know.
  • Publication
    La condición digital de la imagen gráfica
    (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-11-25) Meléndez Cardona, Ronald Fernando; Tortosa Cuesta, Rubén; Departamento de Dibujo; Facultad de Bellas Artes
    [EN] Digital technology has certainly given new creative possibilities to the graphic image, mainly as a result of the electronic and virtual condition of its medium. If we fully consider digital as technology, we can say that every image produced or mediated through computer is essentially digital. However, if we consider the digital as expression, we may observe that not all the images produced or mediated through computer express “digitality”. Based on the analysis of the “digital” and “graphic” concepts an argument will be developed that proposes an understanding of an alleged digital nature of the graphic image.
  • Publication
    La educación artística como elemento clave en el proceso de aprendizaje en preescolar
    (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-11-25) Park Kim, Da Hee
    [EN] Is art education key during the learning process? When this quiestionis being asked, a majority would have negative response, even though is undeniable role in expresion and canalisation of emotions, as well as in the cultural development of the students through different activities such as playing, creating and sharing. Is it possible to consider the eduation/art tandem as an important source of motivation and active learning during preschool? This article pretends to support art education as an essential resource in preschool education, relying on analyses and comparisons between several strategies used in Spanish art schools. As well as several methods used by remarkable artists and lecturers.
  • Publication
    Huellas en el tiempo. Grandes tipos móviles de madera
    (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-11-25) Ferré Ferri, Enrique; Alcaraz Mira, Antonio; Departamento de Dibujo; Facultad de Bellas Artes; Centro de Investigación Arte y Entorno
    [EN] The manufacture and use of large wooden movable types had its purpose for the typographic companies, in the 19 th and 20 th Century. This present work tries to highlight the importance and value of wooden movable types, big in size, that fortunately were saved from being abandoned. are still in use, movable and available in the workshop of typography at the Faculty of BB.AA., of the UPV of Valencia, that are part of the Degree course in Fine Arts and the Master of Artistic Production.
  • Publication
    La Animación en las Ilustraciones Infantiles del Cuento Digital Interactivo. Del Papel a la Tablet
    (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-11-25) Navarro Álvarez, Adriana
    [EN] With the advancement of new technologies, and the precedent of pop-up books, children’s stories extend its graphics, expressive and aesthetic horizons through different means and devices. This article discusses the use of animation and its interaction with the user in the new formats of children’s reading where, increasingly often, illustration and text explore the narrative possibilities of moving images. To do this, I will use as a case study The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore which is a part of a transmedia production derived from the film version of the animated short film which won the Oscar in 2012