REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria - Vol 18, No 2 (2020)
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- Estrategias didácticas para el desarrollo de la identidad profesional del profesorado en la formación inicial
- Análisis del impacto de las acciones tutoriales en el desempeño académico de estudiantes de universidades públicas chilenas
- La versatilidad del método de la clase invertida: Estudio de un caso de aplicación durante la crisis de la covid-19
- Modalidad virtual en una disciplina en la carrera de Medicina en tiempos de pandemia: percepción de los estudiantes
- Un análisis exploratorio de los factores que inciden en el abandono universitario en titulaciones de ingeniería
- La habitación de escape como estrategia en la resolución de problemas
- Conceptos de la enseñanza forestal a distancia como procedimiento de mediación pedagógica en las universidades de Iberoamérica
- Diseño y validación de una escala de autoeficacia del docente universitario
- Lectura participativa en red en la formación de maestros/as #pedagogiaUV19
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- PublicationLectura participativa en red en la formación de maestros/as #pedagogiaUV19(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-12-31) Suárez-Guerrero, Cristóbal; Tárraga Mínguez, Raúl; Sanz Cervera, Pilar; Sospedra Baeza, María Josefa[EN] This article describes the results of a Teaching Innovation experience approved by the Vice-Principal Office for Occupation and Training Programs at the University of Valencia (UV-SFPIE_PID19-1095891). This project was executed in the first semester of the academic year 2019-2020 within the framework of the General Didactics subject of the degrees of Early Childhood Education and Primary School Education of the Faculty of Teaching at the University of Valencia. The main objective of the project was to create a space for critical, open, participatory and global debate on classical pedagogical ideas (Dewey, Montessori, Freinet and Freire) that would allow improving the pedagogical training and culture of preservice teachers through interaction with other educational agents beyond the classroom, using Twitter to generate interactions. The shared reading work compromised the interaction of 106 students from three groups with different teachers, schedules and classrooms, but they shared the hashtag #pedagogiaUV19, as “common space”, for four months. The purpose of this article is to analyze the students’ assessment of the educational use of Twitter in this experience. To assess the experience, an ad hoc questionnaire was administered to the subjects at the end of the experience. The experience was evaluated very positively by the vast majority of subjects who participated in the study.
- PublicationDiseño y validación de una escala de autoeficacia del docente universitario(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-12-31) Sarmiento Peralta, Giusseppe Geraldes[EN] Teaching self-efficacy stands out as an important mediator of academic practice and the teaching and learning process in the university environment. More and more educational approaches and models pick up their importance and consider their nature transversal to university functions. This article develops the design and validation of a reliable instrument capable of measuring the self-efficacy of university teachers. It is a study of an instrumental nature. The items are integrated into 4 dimensions and were validated in appearance and content by an expert judgment. To evaluate the reliability and validity of the tool, a sample of 153 university professors from various universities in Peru was used. Analyses of the individual quality of the items, of validity evidence based on the internal structure, and of reliability by internal consistency were carried out. A value of the coefficient V of Aiken greater than 0.8 was obtained in all dimensions of the instrument. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of the 4 dimensions were equal to or greater than 0.70. Regarding the Omega coefficient, only the Educational Strategies dimension showed values higher than 0.70. Due to its low factor load, item 11 was removed from the final version of the instrument. The psychometric study showed that the University Teacher Self-efficacy Scale could be a reliable and valid instrument to measure the self-efficacy of university teachers.
- PublicationConceptos de la enseñanza forestal a distancia como procedimiento de mediación pedagógica en las universidades de Iberoamérica(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-12-31) Riesco Muñoz, Guillermo; Imaña Encinas, José[EN] The forestry engineering courses in Ibero-America are mainly adjusted to traditional patterns of knowledge transfer, neglecting the communication technologies largely implemented in other areas. Front of this, the essay states that such curricula should be alternatively yielded by means of methods in line with the technological development brought about by the demands of society. We try to demonstrate that the new communication channels ease and compel the transit to the distance education, in which the tutor is incorporated as a dynamizing agent of the teaching process. The use of new channels in university education, either replacing or complementing traditional face-to-face systems, would facilitate a change in the current teacher-centered mode of learning towards a responsibility for learning shared by students and tutors, being these important stakeholders as pedagogic mediators, trained in the subject, that ease the teaching-learning processes. If the transfer of knowledge and technology in the university were adapted to this new multipolar communication system, with TIC support, the challenge would be the adaptation to more extensive media, in which the learning services can be offered to a higher number of students in real time, and student-directed collaborative learning models focused on skills. Distance learning at university by means of net platforms responds to the new goals of learning by doing, while at the same time addressing the demands of not university professional updating.
- PublicationLa habitación de escape como estrategia en la resolución de problemas(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-12-31) García-Tudela, Pedro Antonio; González-Calatayud, Víctor; Serrano-Sánchez, José Luis[EN] The aim of this research is to know the strategies that 128 university students use to solve problems in teamwork while participating in an educational escape room. In this immersive game, the participants had to solve problems in a specific time and in a themed room. The research problem is if this didactic learning strategy based on game promotes/ facilitates the development of an essential competence: problem solving. This study uses an ad hoc questionnaire with a Likert scale to collect the information. The results shows that the students used group discussion as the main problem-solving strategy, ahead of searching for information on the Internet and the help of the teacher. These discussions allowed them to clarify and review content of the subjects. Women showed a greater commitment to activity, while men showed more stress caused by the time limit to solve problems. In conclusion, the educational escape room promoted problem solving in active environments where teams conducted discussions. We recommend this didactic strategy to improve the transfer of learning, promote self-assessment and increase student engagement. In future studies, this strategy should be analyzed from a mixed approach, paying attention to the configuration of the equipment and the resources used as variables that can influence the experience and learning of students.
- PublicationUn análisis exploratorio de los factores que inciden en el abandono universitario en titulaciones de ingeniería(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-12-31) López-Cózar-Navarro, Cristina; Benito-Hernández, Sonia; Priede-Bergamini, Tiziana[EN] The present article intends to deepen in the university academic drop-out and its causes. It focuses on identifying the factors that lead students to abandon the degree they are currently studying. The relevance of this problem in Spain is emphasized, because this fact causes a decrease in personal development, as well as a relevant social and economic impact. For this purpose, an empirical analysis of a descriptive statistical nature is developed with a sample of 430 students, in which it is analyzed in particular, the relationship between the student’s intention to abandon the degree with several variables such as: the position given when filling out the pre-registration document for university access; the reasons that motivated the election; the degree and the current course; as well as the ownership structure of the origin school center. Results confirm a relationship between the studied variables, showing that 7.2 percent of the students will drop-out in the in the current course, being highly probable a higher unexplored abandon rate.