REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria - Vol 14, No 2 (2016)

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  • ¿Cómo hacer emerger las experiencias previas y creencias de los futuros maestros? Prácticas docentes desde el modelo realista
  • El aprendizaje cooperativo como metodología para estudiar las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales en la Ingeniería Civil
  • Los niveles de reflexión en los portafolios de la Práctica Pre Profesional Docente
  • Un modelo para diseñar actividades de aprendizaje en la enseñanza de ingenierías
  • El seminario de lectura en Educación Social: la juventud y el pensamiento pedagógico de Paulo Freire
  • La conciencia corporal como herramienta en la formación inicial del profesorado
  • Análisis del desarrollo de los nuevos títulos de Grado basados en competencias y adaptados al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES)
  • Las buenas prácticas docentes en la educación virtual universitaria
  • Competencias de los egresados del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior: relatos de vida de los nuevos estudiantes universitarios frente a los antiguos licenciados
  • La Orientación como elemento de calidad en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • Valoración del contexto instructivo, creencias de control y emociones académicas. Un estudio con universitarios avanzados
  • Características de los Estudiantes de Grado de las áreas Ciencias Sociales y Salud: autoconcepto, motivación y estrategias de aprendizaje
  • Satisfacción Laboral en docentes universitarios: medición y estudio de variables influyentes
  • La primera experiencia en España en formación de posgrado en Trabajo Social: la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Estrategias metodológicas activas en la asignatura de “Bases de la Escuela Inclusiva” de la E.U. de Magisterio de Bilbao


  • Reseña: ¿Quo vadis, Universidad?
  • Cómo comunicar y ser competente: habilidades comunicativas y competencias profesionales y académicas


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 17
  • Publication
    Cómo comunicar y ser competente: habilidades comunicativas y competencias profesionales y académicas
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-12-30) Fernández Prados, Juan Sebastián
    Reseña del libro "Cómo comunicar y ser competente: habilidades comunicativas y competencias profesionales y académicas"
  • Publication
    Reseña: ¿Quo vadis, Universidad?
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-12-30) Bolívar, Antonio
    Recension del libro ¿Quo vadis, Universidad?
  • Publication
    Estrategias metodológicas activas en la asignatura de “Bases de la Escuela Inclusiva” de la E.U. de Magisterio de Bilbao
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-12-30) Aróstegui Barandica, I.; Darretxe Urrutxi, L.
    [EN] This article’s contribution is to show an innovative, active and in dialogue with the students’ experience of classroom-based learning carried out with second year students reading the subject “Basis for an Inclusive School” at the Bilbao Teacher-Training College, Basque Country University. The use of different active methodological strategies is meant to drive students’ active participation integrating factors that can favour and help in future teachers’ education.The subject is laid out according to the following lines: a) the collaborative work within the academic staff sharing the subject as a fundamental factor to further the collaborative work also among the students; b) Students’ increase awareness in their need to become intellectual professionals to help in the transformation and overcoming of inequalities; c) The work on the most recent references on educative research and the application of some of the most transforming educative experiences to experiment and think about them.This teaching and learning process is visible through the group portfolio as a strategy for learning and evaluation. In those portfolios are collected the participants’ voices; from them there can be concluded some reflections which can help to improve the education quality in the field and its impact in the future.
  • Publication
    La primera experiencia en España en formación de posgrado en Trabajo Social: la Universidad Pública de Navarra
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-12-30) Anaut-Bravo, S.
    [EN] With the EHEA, each university has developed varied specialization strategies (graduate and post- graduate) and lifelong learning. In this last decade, the followed paths by each discipline area have not always been converging, either.To be able to deepen, this article presents the main results obtained in the formation of post-graduate / Master’s degree in Social Work in The Public University of Navarre for being the first university in setting it in motion and being the one which prompted its introduction in Higher Education in Spain. For it, quantitative information provided by the previously mentioned university post-graduate section- has been gathered about students. Likewise, intern satisfaction surveys about the Master’s degree have been analysed and, in the case of professors, the reports and self reports submitted on ANECA request.The outcomes point out this Master’s degree is an ideal tool for a bigger efficient employment of its graduates, above all, for the flexibility of the academic offer, the specialization options and the socio-political acknowledgement. In its trajectory, it has reached and maintained a high formative quality level to carry out the realisation of investigation, academic and professional tasks.The obtained results set an example of an adequate interrelation of contents and teaching strategies interested in responding to the challenges of a complex socio-economic context with professional profiles with a high specialization degree and with ability to deal with a more diverse and multidimensional theorical and practical body.
  • Publication
    Satisfacción Laboral en docentes universitarios: medición y estudio de variables influyentes
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-12-30) Pujol Cols, L. J.
    [EN] Teachers are the main strategic asset in Universities. Their knowledge and expertise constitute the core competence of this type of organization. Precisely, through the performance of academic activities (i.e. researching, lecturing, providing services to the local community) they make a substantial contribution to the effectiveness in the functioning of Universities, as well as to their visibility, reputation and prestige in the academic market. Due to the influence of job satisfaction on occupational health and other performance-related variables, systematical measurements of this phenomenon are essential in Universities. In this article, job satisfaction (global and by facets) is measured and low score job attributes are identified in a sample of teachers of an Argentinian Public University. By using statistical techniques (e.g. factor analysis, multiple regression analysis), the influence of socio-demographical and employment condition variables is studied. In this research, authors find that ‘mechanisms by which teachers get access to positions’, ‘perception of justice’ and ‘expectation of promotions’ register the lowest scores. The main variables that seem to significantly explain teacher’s job satisfaction are age and actual position in the hierarchy.