Lenguaje y Textos - No 57 (2023)

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  • Claves de lectura de las adaptaciones literarias al cómic: el caso del Tirant lo Blanc
  • Cancións para Medrar. Una propuesta audiovisual y textual para reforzar la adquisición del gallego a través de canciones y pictogramas
  • El juego de hacer versos: incentivar el hábito lector y la creatividad literaria en el aula a través de la escritura de haikus
  • Estrategias de mediación oral: un análisis de los monólogos interactivos de una tarea basada en un cómic
  • Diseño y aplicación de una rúbrica de diagnóstico para la escritura creativa literaria en un grupo de estudiantes chilenos de secundaria
  • Las metáforas conceptuales en el aprendizaje de colocaciones léxicas
  • Modalidad narrativa e imagen secuencial en el álbum sin palabras


  • Reseña del libro: Manual práctico para maestros bibliotecarios. Retos, actuaciones y propuestas.
  • Reseña del libro: Metaficción y feminismo en la novela latinoamericana finisecular escrita por mujeres: Diamela Eltit, Laura Restrepo, Gioconda Belli, Paula Pérez Alonso, Zoe Valdés
  • Reseña del libro: Lenguaje y sensibilidad


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 10
  • Publication
    Claves de lectura de las adaptaciones literarias al cómic: el caso del Tirant lo Blanc
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-06-30) Baile-López, Eduard; European Commission
    [EN] An analysis of literary adaptations into comics medium is proposed based on their appeal for promoting critical reading in the classroom, assuming that their multimodal and interdisciplinary language strengthen a paradigm of interpreting space which suggests readers that they complete the meaning of the text. For this reason, the inconvenience around introducing adaptations which serve as mere readings prior to the original ones is considered, since this kind of intermedial translations lack intrinsic artistic value so that they would not be productive; on the contrary, those adaptations constituted as revision acts potentially encourage students to establish decoding interventions given that they would find interpreting factors which would enrich the approach to the original book through a complex authorial vision. After meditating over the criteria for adaptation s optimal characterization, some analytical parameters are also provided to be briefly applied through a corpus of adaptations based on Tirant lo Blanc. Finally, it may be deduced that the conventional concept of what a reading text is can be extended beyond literature and that, likewise, analyzing the classics is an operation which may get benefits from attending their respective resignifications in other creative media.
  • Publication
    Cancións para Medrar. Una propuesta audiovisual y textual para reforzar la adquisición del gallego a través de canciones y pictogramas
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-06-30) Torrado-Cespón, Milagros
    [EN] Cancións para Medrar aims to provide a resource for teaching the Galician language in early childhood education. It is based on the lack of specialized playful linguistic resources for children from 0 to 6 years old. For this, the creation of resources in the form of original and unpublished songs, animated videos and pictograms is proposed. Children within this age scope from the autonomous community of Galicia need more material in their language (first or second, as the case may be) to work from the preschool classroom and to use as a leisure resource at home. This situation hinders the acquisition of specific grammatical and phonological structures and causes difficulties in the mastery of the language. Thanks to this material, it will be possible to have resources designed by experts in both language acquisition and music that adapt to the needs of this audience.
  • Publication
    El juego de hacer versos: incentivar el hábito lector y la creatividad literaria en el aula a través de la escritura de haikus
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-06-30) Rodríguez Cabrera, Josep M.; Ballester-Roca, Josep; Arlandis López, Sergio
    [EN] Given the low reading rates of current students, this paper defends the use of creative writing in general and haiku in particular to promote a stable and autonomous reading habit among students. Regardless of your age or level. For this, it is based on the use of the game as an educational resource, which already has a long tradition in the West that goes back to the times of Plato. And it analyzes, as examples, various haikus published by Japanese and Spanish apprentices ?from Lucena and Velilla de San Antonio institutes? between the ages of 5 and 14, in order to confirm how their writing implies a process of reading and of internalization. An internalization that breaks with the dynamics of superficial reading.
  • Publication
    Oral Mediation Strategies: An Analysis of the Interactional Monologues of a Comic-Based Task
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-06-30) Guadamillas Gómez, María Victoria
    [EN] This article explores the design of a mediation task based on a comic strip and the response of a group of 30 teachers trainees to it. To know the possible flaws and strengths in the productions, six criteria have been designed ad hoc according to the existing literature. First, the theoretical framework explores the definition of mediation, and focuses on comics as a source text for mediation tasks. Then, the objectives and the method are explained. After that, section four shows and discusses the results of the analysis and, finally, in the last section the conclusion is presented. It should be noted that the analysis reveals numerous flaws in the participants productions in aspects of interest to mediate successfully. Among them, being aware of the necessities of the audience or checking the comprehension of the transmitted message are the most important issues. In contrast, some strengths have been observed related to the participants ability to explain the information in a sequential way or to transmit it with an appropriate use of examples. The previous aspects can be highly valuable as mediation strategies.
  • Publication
    Diseño y aplicación de una rúbrica de diagnóstico para la escritura creativa literaria en un grupo de estudiantes chilenos de secundaria
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-06-30) Barrios Ruiz, Gabriela; Ambròs Pallarès, María Alba
    [EN] The Chilean educational system does not correctly work or evaluate the ability of literary creative writing. Since its curricular bases (2017) do not include learning objectives for this subject in most secondary school courses. For this reason, the main objective is to design and apply a diagnostic rubric to a specific group of Chilean high school students, that allow to evaluate that ability. Based on a larger investigation (group of Chilean students with n=25) in which several problems related to literary creative writing were identified, a rubric was developed to evaluate those aspects found. The development of this rubric had four phases that are important to develop both, evaluation and meaningful learning. The methodology used is qualitative and the data collection was based on the writing of short stories by Chilean high school students. In addition, the process of constructing the rubric and its different phases were validated by experts.