Lenguaje y Textos - No 44 (2016)

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  • Las prácticas evaluativas en lenguas extranjeras en Senegal: el caso del ELE en el examen estatal del bachillerato
  • Interacción oral con alumnado de dos años en un contexto pedagógico-teatral
  • El álbum ilustrado en primaria: un recurso para la adquisición de la L2
  • La DLL en la universidad pública: una aproximación al estado de la cuestión en la formación inicial de maestros y maestras. Parte I.
  • La hipertextualidad entre literatura y cine: el caso de Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate, de Roald Dahl
  • La pragmática intercultural y la relevancia de la comunicación no verbal en el aprendizaje de ELE
  • El tema de la diversidad sexual en la clase de ELE para niños: "El día de la rana roja"
  • Enseñar español como lengua extranjera a niños: aportaciones teórico-prácticas


  • Literatura 2.0 en el aula
  • The Gift of Dyslexia


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 10
  • Publication
    The Gift of Dyslexia
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-12-29) Cranfield, Susan
    Davis, Ronald D.Souvenir Press (London), third revised edition, 2010
  • Publication
    Literatura 2.0 en el aula
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-12-29) Berríos Barra, Lorena
    C. Arbonés, M.Prats, E. Sanahuja (eds.)Barcelona: Octaedro, 2015
  • Publication
    Enseñar español como lengua extranjera a niños: aportaciones teórico-prácticas
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-12-29) Asensio Pastor, Margarita Isabel
    [EN] In the last ten years, the teaching and learning of Spanish as a foreign language has undergone an increase in children and young learners. This has obliged specialists and teachers to reconsider the communicative methodology in ELE, taking into account the features of this group of learners in their process of cognitive, emotional, psychomotor and language development. Under this parameter, this work includes a series of epistemological reflections and teaching keys in order to develop a syllabus for a course of Spanish to chil-dren aged from three to twelve years old. Theses reflections were exposed and developed in a training work-shop held at Instituto Cervantes in Amman (Jordan).
  • Publication
    El tema de la diversidad sexual en la clase de ELE para niños: "El día de la rana roja"
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-12-29) Domene Benito, Rocío; Jódar Sánchez, José Antonio
    [EN] The family is the foundation and unifying force of children’s education. New family models have emerged in the last decades including single-parent, homosexual, and multicultural families. If this is an everyday reality, why not show it in the Spanish as a foreign language class through literature? We propose using picture books and the power of both images and words to teach children not only linguistic competence but also emotional intelligence. El día de la rana roja is chosen to illustrate how to teach Spanish as a foreign language through the story of two princes that is full of symbolism and readaptations of traditional topoi. It is an all-embracing, optimistic, and accepting story of homosexuality and gay adoption. We then present a teaching proposal based on workshop. It touches upon conceptual, social and grammatical notions. To sum up, we believe that picture books can be a useful tool in showing the reality of new family models to children of the 21st century
  • Publication
    La pragmática intercultural y la relevancia de la comunicación no verbal en el aprendizaje de ELE
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-12-29) Villegas Paredes, Gladys Luisa
    [EN] The present study aims to analyze the contributions of the intercultural pragmatics in teaching-learning of Spanish as a second language, and to contribute to delineate didactic actions that favor intercultural communication. Intercultural pragmatics emphasizes the importance of the nonverbal communication systems when the learner’s communicative competence development is approached. It also emphasizes the need to consider the student’s culture, along with the target culture and language, as a process to overcome cultural crashes, pragmatic mistakes and misunderstandings in order to achieve an effective and intercul-tural communication