Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial- Vol 19, No 4 (2022)

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Nota de Redacción


  • Reguladores basados en observadores de perturbaciones: principios de funcionamiento y métodos de diseño


  • Sistema híbrido inteligente para el control y operación de un convertidor elevador en modo Soft-Switching
  • Planificación de sistemas de tiempo real crí­tico mediante técnicas no convencionales

Sección especial: "Aportaciones de Investigadores en México al Control Automático"

  • Sección Especial: "Aportaciones de Investigadores en México al Control Automático"
  • Contribuciones al estudio de sistemas lineales con retardos: el enfoque de funcionales de tipo completo
  • Control por modos deslizantes de orden superior basado en funciones de Lyapunov
  • Sobre el control por moldeo de energía más inyección de amortiguamiento de sistemas mecánicos
  • Control multivaluado de sistemas hamiltonianos con puerto
  • Aportaciones al control de vehículos aéreos no tripulados en México
  • Control de microrredes eléctricas de potencia: un enfoque hamiltoniano


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 12
  • Publication
    Reguladores basados en observadores de perturbaciones: principios de funcionamiento y métodos de diseño
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-09-30) Castillo, Alberto; García Gil, Pedro José; Albertos, Pedro; Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; Instituto Universitario de Automática e Informática Industrial; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial; European Commission; Universitat Politècnica de València
    [EN] During the past decades, the scientific interest on the linear disturbance observer-based controllers has notably increased, mainly, due to their good properties for handling changes or uncertainties in the systems. In this tutorial, these type of controllers are reviewed by analyzing their characteristic elements which are: i) the disturbed models, ii) the disturbance observer algorithms, and iii) the feedback control-laws as well as their main design-techniques. Some aspects of the control theory that motivate and support the use of these regulators are also described, including: the model uncertainties, its relevance within the robust control paradigm, and the capability of the disturbed models to handle uncertainties. The tutorial concludes with an ilustrative example on the closed-loop glucose control for diabetic people (artificial pancreas).
  • Publication
    Control de microrredes eléctricas de potencia: un enfoque hamiltoniano
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-09-30) Espinosa-Pérez, Gerardo; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
    [EN] In this paper the control problem of Power Microgrids is approached from the Passivity based Control perspective. The structure of a basic inner control scheme is proposed which guarantees that the variables associated to the power converters converge to prescribed values provided by a second control loop whose is in charge of a proper power sharing. Actually, three different alternatives for this second control scheme are presented. The presented results compose a compilation of previously reported contributions obtained under the passivity approach and they exploit at a fundamental level the fact that the model of the Microgrid under study exhibits a Port-controlled Hamiltonian system structure. In constrast with results frequently found in the literature, a formal (mathematical) proof for the stability properties of the presented schemes is provided. In addition, it is shown that the structure of the contributions holds with the requirements imposed in order to obtain an atractive practical implementation.
  • Publication
    Aportaciones al control de vehículos aéreos no tripulados en México
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-09-30) Rodríguez-Cortés, Hugo
    [EN] The massification of microelectromechanical systems made possible the use of inertial and visual sensors in small and lowcost unmanned aerial vehicles. This fact, reinforced with tools from automatic control theory and aeronautical, mechatronics, and computer engineering, has made it possible to achieve surprising levels of autonomy in this type of vehicle. This work describes a chronology of the development of unmanned aerial vehicles carried out by Mexican researchers based on the accessibility to devices with SMEM technology. In addition, a solution to the trajectory tracking problem for the multi-rotor vehicle known as a quadrotor is presented. The control algorithm is synthesized following the total energy control system (SCTE) methodology. The proposed control strategy is experimentally evaluated using a homemade quadrotor in strict real-time.
  • Publication
    Control multivaluado de sistemas hamiltonianos con puerto
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-09-30) Castaños, Fernando
    [EN] We consider the use of multi-valued control laws for port-Hamiltonian systems. It is shown that if the multi-valued controller is monotonically increasing, then the control action is passive, the closed-loop system is well-defined, and robust output regulation is achieved. We propose a concrete methodology to construct maximal monotonically increasing controls. The scheme can be naturally applied to systems originally described by multi-valued operators, such as mechanical systems with unilateral constraints and circuits with diodes and transistors.
  • Publication
    Sobre el control por moldeo de energía más inyección de amortiguamiento de sistemas mecánicos
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-09-30) Sandoval, Jesús; Kelly, Rafael; Santibáñez, Víctor; Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, México
    [EN] This paper presents a tutorial about a controllers design method based on the energy shaping plus damping injection for the control of mechanical systems. A unified theoretical framework is provided to solve different control objectives such as: position regulation and speed regulation for both class of mechanical systems and, trajectory tracking for the case of fully actuated mechanicalsystems. Also, the energy regulation is formulated as a new control objective to generate controlled oscillations in both fully actuated mechanical systems and underactuated mechanical systems. In addition, some design criteria are addressed: dynamic friction compensation, exclusion of speed measurement and, inclusion of actuator dynamics. Finally, as examples of application, recent results published in the literature on the design of controllers for torque-driven robot manipulators, an inertia wheel pendulum, anda cart-pendulum system, are presented.