Culturas. Revista de Gestión Cultural - Vol 05, No 2 (2018)
Tabla de contenidos
Espacios culturales y territorio. Propuesta de una metodología para fomentar la participación ciudadana: El caso de barrio del Carmen y el Museo de la Universidad de Murcia
Los principales retos de las instituciones culturales con la comunicación online en la revolución 2.0
Diplomacia cultural: aproximación al concepto, y apuntes sobre el modelo de diplomacia cultural en España
Comunicación y cultura en la era digital: la estrategia de los escenarios españoles
Fallas de Valencia: un producto cultural multidisciplinar
Collado Belda, Enrique(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-12-14)
[EN] La Falla, a World Heritage Site, is an artistic work that is part of ephemeral art. Possibly this is the most common perception, but there may be other visions that have been little studied and that contribute new or ...
Tineo Carrión, Lydia(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-12-14)
[EN] Communication has traditionally taken a back seat within cultural management action points. Nowadays, technological and social evolution towards 2.0 websites, as well as a wide range of incoming tools, both reinvent ...
Menéndez Reyes, Mª Eugenia(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-12-14)
[EN] The goal of this essay is to draw a concept for Cultural Diplomacy from three points of view: public diplomacy, actors and goals, and the connection between diplomacy and culture. Once we have reached an agreement ...
Chic Pujol, Laia(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-12-14)
[EN] Having a greater presence and good communication in the digital world has become a transcendental point for cultural institutions. Despite attempts to improve this relationship, many Spanish museums still do not ...
Castejón Ibáñez, Magdalena; Guirao Mirón, Cristina(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-12-14)
[EN] The purpose of the text presented is to propose a methodological proposal to create a link between museums and territory based on citizen participation. This method has been developed and successfully experimented as ...