T. Banakh and I. Protasov, The normality and bounded growth of balleans, arXiv:1810.07979.
T. Banakh and I. Protasov, Constructing balleans, arXiv: 1812.03935.
D. Dikranjan, I. Protasov, K. Protasova and N. Zava, Balleans, hyperballeans and ideals, Appl. Gen. Topol, to appear.
T. Banakh and I. Protasov, The normality and bounded growth of balleans, arXiv:1810.07979.
T. Banakh and I. Protasov, Constructing balleans, arXiv: 1812.03935.
D. Dikranjan, I. Protasov, K. Protasova and N. Zava, Balleans, hyperballeans and ideals, Appl. Gen. Topol, to appear.
M. Filali and I. Protasov, Slowly oscillating functions on locally compact groups, Appl.Gen. Topology 6 (2005), 67-77.
Ie. Lutsenko and I. Protasov, Thin subsets of balleans, Appl. Gen. Topol. 11 (2010), 89-93.
O. V. Petrenko and I. V. Protasov, Balleans and G-spaces, Ukr. Math. Zh. 64 (2012) ,344-350.
I. V. Protasov, Normal ball structures, Math. Stud. 20 (2003), 3-16.
I. V. Protasov, Coronas of balleans, Topology Appl. 149 (2005), 149-160. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.topol.2004.09.005
I. V. Protasov, Asymptolic proximities, Appl. Gen. Topol. 9 (2008), 189-195.
I. Protasov and T. Banakh, Ball Structures and Colorings of Groups and Graphs, Math.Stud. Monogr. Ser., Vol. 11, VNTL, Lviv, 2003.
I. Protasov and K. Protasova, Lattices of coarse structures, Math. Stud. 48 (2017),115-123.
I. Protasov and M. Zarichnyi, General Asymptopogy, Math. Stud. Monogr. Vol. 12,VNTL, Lviv, 2007.
O. Protasova, Maximal balleans, Appl. Gen. Topol. 7 (2006), 151-163.
J. Roe, Lectures on Coarse Geometry, AMS University Lecture Ser. 31, Providence, RI,2003.cAGT,