[EN] The objective of this study was to estimate the effect of organic feed feeding on the
growth of gilthead seabream using organic raw materials such as poultry flour, trout
flour, and scraps of sea bass fillet, as ...[+]
[EN] The objective of this study was to estimate the effect of organic feed feeding on the
growth of gilthead seabream using organic raw materials such as poultry flour, trout
flour, and scraps of sea bass fillet, as well as a mixture of these three.
For this purpose, juveniles of organic gilthead origin were used from the Sonrionasa fish
farm, located in Burriana adapting to the conditions of the installation at the Universitat
Politècnica de València and 40 fish were distributed per tank (average weight of 60.5 g),
that means 120 fish per treatment and a total of 720 giltheads.
4 isoprotein and isopidic feeds were formulated and manufactured with different
sources of organic protein (poultry flour, trout flour, sea bass residues and mixture of
the three raw materials) and two control feeds, one with fishmeal and organic plant
ingredients, and one with all conventional ingredients, containing 30% fishmeal.
After a period of approximately three months that lasted the test, the best growth was
obtained with the two feed control (with 30% fishmeal), without significant differences
between the two, possibly as a result of a much more balanced feed amino acid profile
for the needs of the bream. Among organic feed, no significant differences were found
in the final weight of fish fed with trout flour and sea bass residues, but it does respect
those fed with feed made from poultrymeal and the mixture of the three ingredients. In
addition, fish were rejected from the feed containing bird meal and increased mortality,
so it seems inadvisable to use this raw material in future tests, and it would be necessary
to continue studying new ingredients or the inclusion of additives allowed by organic
aquaculture to improve fish growth and survival.
[ES] Debido a la rápida expansión y versatilidad de formas de producción de la acuicultura se pueden generar importantes impactos ambientales. Esto ha provocado que recientemente se haya incrementado la preocupación por ...[+]
[ES] Debido a la rápida expansión y versatilidad de formas de producción de la acuicultura se pueden generar importantes impactos ambientales. Esto ha provocado que recientemente se haya incrementado la preocupación por un consumo más sostenible que provenga de productos que sean respetuosos con el medio ambiente y que tengan en cuenta las directrices ecológicas dictadas por reglamentos internacionales y la diversificación de productos ecológicos ha llegado hasta la acuicultura.
Por lo tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio, fue estimar el efecto que tienen los piensos ecológicos en el crecimiento de dorada y ver como la utilización de nuevas materias primas ecológicas como: harina de ave, trucha, lubina y una mezcla de estas tres, repercute en el crecimiento y parámetros nutritivos y biométricos.
á Por ello en este estudio se evaluará el efecto que de nuevas materias primas ecológicas como: harina de ave, trucha, lubina y una mezcla de estas tres, en el crecimiento y parámetros nutritivos y biométricos.