[ES] La adversidad como infortunio ha formado parte de la inevitable existencia del ser humano, quien experimentándola en la propia piel ha tomado consciencia del mundo que le rodea. Estas experiencias han formado parte ...[+]
[ES] La adversidad como infortunio ha formado parte de la inevitable existencia del ser humano, quien experimentándola en la propia piel ha tomado consciencia del mundo que le rodea. Estas experiencias han formado parte de la metamorfosis corporal y han servido de aprendizaje. Una información de carácter individual que puesta en común ha ayudado en la creación de conocimiento. Experiencias adversas como el dolor, la muerte, la enfermedad, el sufrimiento y su impacto en el tiempo, han sido motivo de reflexión y motor de creación para artistas como Rossana Zaera y Teresa Cebrián –sobre las que centraremos el artículo- o artistas como Natividad Navalón, Francisca Lita o Ángeles Marco. Artistas que, tratando en su obra temas de carácter transcultural para el individuo, han canalizado su propia vivencia de la realidad que las rodea. Su reflexión e investigación han permitido indagar en la oscura realidad que atormenta al ser humano, sus inquietudes y su amplia posibilidad de representación artística.
[EN] Adversity as misfortune has been a part of the inevitable existence of the human being,
who, in experimenting such misfortune in their own flesh, has become aware of the
world around them. These experiences, which ...[+]
[EN] Adversity as misfortune has been a part of the inevitable existence of the human being,
who, in experimenting such misfortune in their own flesh, has become aware of the
world around them. These experiences, which always imply a learning process,
sometimes also involve an individual’s bodily metamorphosis. An information and/or
deformation which conditions life and thought. To us, furthermore, this becomes a
nucleus for reflection, analysis, and transmission of knowledge. Likewise, as creatives,
this allows us to develop our craft as a means of introspection, meditation, and
appropriation of our experience.
Adverse experiences such as pain, death, illness, suffering, and their impact on time
have been a reason for reflection and creative fuel for contemporary artists within the
national and international panorama. In this article, which is developed within our line
of research concerning art and illness, we will focus on an analysis of the works of
Rossana Zaera and Teresa Cebrián. These two artists, who, in dealing themes of
transcultural character for the individual, have channeled their own experience of
reality which surrounds them through artistic creation. Their reflection and
investigation have allowed them to delve into the dark reality which torments the
human being and to transmit their concerns through the width of possibilities their
artistic representation grants.