Gómez Martínez, Vidal; del Espino Hidalgo, Blanca; Pérez Cano, María Teresa(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-01-21)
[EN] In contrast to the generalized studies of singular or signature architecture with wide social recognition,
investigations on subjects such as the traditional house have been more of a minority. Previous works
carried ...
Moral Ruiz, Carmen; Luque Rodrigo, Laura(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-01-21)
[EN] The research on Art History calls for the application of new methods, in particular for the field of art
today which differs from traditional art in techniques and concept. For example, is the case of urban art
and ...
González-Campos Baeza, Yolanda(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-01-21)
[EN] The consideration of the archaeological heritage as an object of polyhedral study, which creates its
identity through its values (scientific and others) that are added in the heritage construction process,
implies ...
Rueda Godino, Sebastián(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-01-21)
[EN] In Spain the study, the valuation in the fortified architecture has been changing and enriching as our
perception of the value of these buildings changed and improved. It can be affirmed that there is a
concern for ...
Vitiello, Maria(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-01-21)
[EN] The preservation policies of historic centres have distant roots. From the Venice Charter of 1964, the
Amsterdam Declaration of 1975, to the document signed in Washington in 1987 and its review by the