Caja, Michele(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-11-30)
[EN] The more or less plausible reconquest of the historical image built up over the centuries – violently removed by the war and the infrastructural interventions of the following decades – poses central, inescapable ...
Leonardo Pérez, Alvaro(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-11-30)
[EN] This paper analyzes how moving to a different continent and cutting themselves from the predominant atmosphere in Spain during the 19th century influenced in the lives and professional careers of the two Abelardo ...
[EN] The adequate preservation of all what is related to our history started resolutely in the 18th century, when movements such as the Age of the Enlightenment and figures such as the German historian and archeologist ...
[EN] Readers hold in their hands the first issue of the new research journal “ANUARI d’Arquitectura i Societat”, published jointly by Universitat Politècnica de València Press and the Borriana Cultural Association. Its ...
García Nofuentes, Juan Francisco; Molinero Sánchez, Jorge Gabriel; Martínez Ramos e Iruela, Roser(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-11-30)
[EN] The architectural condition and its connotations in other areas of culture, such as analytical philosophy, is a challenge that can be observed through the figure of the intellectual from 19th century Vienna, Ludwig ...