This paper focuses on the study and analysis of comfort in driving cars (known as
Ride comfort). Often to have a study of vehicles with regard to issues of comfort, this
makes it compare several vehicles between them.
In ...[+]
This paper focuses on the study and analysis of comfort in driving cars (known as
Ride comfort). Often to have a study of vehicles with regard to issues of comfort, this
makes it compare several vehicles between them.
In the present case, part of the work focuses on the comparison of three vehicles, as it is
a real case where the client wants to see how their prototype behaves meets its
To make this comparison must take into account all the fluctuations that can affect
passenger comfort. There are several sources of noise that can affect inside the vehicle:
rolling noise, aerodynamic noise, the engine, transmission system, etc.
We can distinguish between different types of oscillations per frequency range: vibrations
from 0 to 20 Hz, harshness, between 20 and 100 Hz, and noise between 100 and
2000Hz. To refer to these terms we use the abbreviation NVH (Noise, Vibration and
Harshness). In this paper we focus on the frequency range from 0 to 100Hz. To see the behavior of
the vehicle, we excited by deterministic inputs and random inputs in real operating
conditions, ie, real roads and closed circuits.
El present treball es centre en l'estudi i anàlisis del confort en la conducció de
vehicles (conegut com Ride comfort). Sovint per fer un estudi de vehicles en quant a
temes de confort, el que es fa es comparar varis ...[+]
El present treball es centre en l'estudi i anàlisis del confort en la conducció de
vehicles (conegut com Ride comfort). Sovint per fer un estudi de vehicles en quant a
temes de confort, el que es fa es comparar varis vehicles entre ells.
En el cas que ens ocupa, part del treball es centra en la comparació de 3 vehicles, ja
que és un cas real on el client vol veure com es comporta el seu Prototip front als seus
Per a fer aquesta comparació s¿han de tenir en compte totes les oscil·lacions que poden
afectar la comoditat dels passatgers. Existeixen diverses fonts de soroll en un vehicle
que poden afectar al interior del vehicle: soroll de rodament, aerodinàmica del vehicle, la
del propi motor de propulsió, el sistema de transmissió, etc.
Podem distingir entre diferents tipus de oscil·lacions segons el rang freqüencial:
vibracions (vibrations), de 0 a 20Hz, duresa (harshness), entre 20 i 100 Hz, i soroll
(noise), entre 100 i 10000Hz. Per a referir-nos a aquests termes utilitzarem d¿ara en
endavant les sigles NVH (Noise, Vibration and Harsness). En aquest treball ens centrarem en el rang de freqüències de 0 a 100Hz. Per a veure el
comportament dels vehicles els excitarem mitjançant inputs aleatoris i inputs
determinístics en condicions reals de funcionament, és a dir, en carreteres i circuits
tancats reals.