[EN] Adapting curricula to the European space for higher education has been an opportunity for Spanish universities to perform a new approach to the structure of
their degrees. In this process takes a special importance ...[+]
[EN] Adapting curricula to the European space for higher education has been an opportunity for Spanish universities to perform a new approach to the structure of
their degrees. In this process takes a special importance
incorporate new technologies to the university system, a
task that had been initiated in an isolated way in the last
years of XX century, but now became in a strategic action
for universities. In institutions of higher education, there is
a growing movement towards the use of e-Learning
platforms to support access to educational or academic
activities, also known as "Virtual Learning Environments,
VLE" or "Learning Management Systems LMS, to
support access to educational resources, the academic
activities or the incorporation of new methodologies,
however, without an assurance of quality, this effort and
investment would not be productive. In this paper a
method of assessing a virtual university experience is
proposed, which allows the use of a quality model,
incorporating a web tool to effectively manage both the
design process, and the implementation and presentation
of results. In addition, there are two case studies with
different scopes and purposes, obtaining comparable
results that support the efficiency of the proposed method.
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Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain, TIN2005-08788-C04-02 Proyecto AEEVA, y el Proyecto de excelencia GR47 de la Junta de Castilla y León. Spain.