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Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas- Vol. 10 (2015)

RiuNet: Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Desde el lunes 3 y hasta el jueves 20 de marzo, RiuNet funcionará en modo de solo lectura a causa de su actualización a una nueva versión.

Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas- Vol. 10 (2015)


Tabla de contenidos


  • Subtitling Tarantino’s offensive and taboo dialogue exchanges into european spanish: the case of Pulp Fiction
  • Applied neology and lexicography: towards the (necessary) update of entries for word-formation elements in general dictionarie
  • Evaluating the competent use of EAP linguistic features in relation to CEFRL English levels
  • The limits of language policy and planning
  • Computer terms with expanded metaphoric meaning as registered in general English-Spanish dictionaries: an analysis proposal
  • Speaking tasks for the assessment of English: the use of linkers
  • Judgmental evaluation of the CEFR by stakeholders in language testing
  • The regularization of Old English weak verbs
  • Pronunciation proficiency and musical aptitude in Spanish as a foreign language: results of an experimental research project
  • Approach to subjunctive in subordinate adjective explanatory clauses


  • Reseña de Sánchez López, E. (2013): Estudi de la llengua d’Ausiàs March a través de les col·locacions. Una aproximació semiautomática. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter

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