[ES] El TFG consistirá en la redacción de un instrumento de ordenación y planificación específico para el monte comunal propiedad del Concejo de Uscarrés, perteneciente al municipio de Gallués, en el Valle de Salazar ...[+]
[ES] El TFG consistirá en la redacción de un instrumento de ordenación y planificación específico para el monte comunal propiedad del Concejo de Uscarrés, perteneciente al municipio de Gallués, en el Valle de Salazar (Navarra), el cual incluye un monte de utilidad pública catalogado en el Catálogo de Montes de Utilidad Pública de Navarra con el Nº 112, denominado ¿El Pinar¿. Hasta la fecha dicho monte no ha contado con ningún documento de planificación ni gestión.
Este estudio permitirá recoger la información más relevante y comprender el estado actual en el que se encuentra el monte, estado legal, los valores ecológicos que alberga, los riesgos potenciales existentes, los usos y aprovechamientos que se dan en el mismo, las restricciones y potencialidades así como las necesidades existentes.
El trabajo consistirá en: la recopilación de información en los archivos de la Administración Forestal y del Concejo relacionado con los aprovechamientos del monte y usos asociados al mismo, así como de bibliografía específica de la zona y de las especies principales del monte; la elaboración de cartografía específica del monte inventariando espacios protegidos, la infraestructura y los recursos existentes; y el estudio pormenorizado del monte, analizando el estado dasométrico, sanitario y ecológico actual de las distintas formaciones forestales que conforman la superficie objeto de estudio. Todo ello implicará llevar a cabo un estudio de masas, y realizar un inventario cualitativo y cuantitativo.
El análisis de los resultados obtenidos permitirá zonificar el monte y plantear unas directrices generales de gestión y una planificación específica a corto plazo. La aplicación de este Plan permitirá lograr una gestión forestal sostenible de este monte, garantizando la persistencia y estabilidad de las masas, la obtención de rentas de una forma ordenada por parte de la entidad propietaria y la compatibilización de los diferentes usos y aprovechamientos existentes, garantizando la conservación del mismo.
[EN] The present work constitutes a specific instrument of forestry management and forest
planning for the communal mount property of Uscarrés's Council, in Salazar's Valley
(Navarre). Part of this one is catalogued in ...[+]
[EN] The present work constitutes a specific instrument of forestry management and forest
planning for the communal mount property of Uscarrés's Council, in Salazar's Valley
(Navarre). Part of this one is catalogued in the Catalogue of Mounts of Public Utility of
Navarre by the N º 112 (El Pinar). It isn`t demarcated and marked. To date the above
mentioned mount hasn`t had any document of forestry planning nor management. The public
surface includes 1.070,94 has, 886,55 of them tree-covered. It has presumable several set
deep (56,7905 has). This mount is included in several natural protected spaces (LIC and
ZEPA Mountain chain of Artxuga, Zarikieta and Mounts of Areta and Arabarko, and the ZEC
River Salazar). His landscape is a sign of the importance who had long ago the extensive
ranching. It is characterized for shaping a very wavy relief crossed by streams, with hillsides
of steep slope (50-60 %), and limited soil, existing notable differences in the development the
woodland reach according to the orientation.
The most abundant species is wild pine (Pinus sylvestris), which there has displaced to the
oak (Quercus pubescens) to the most marginal zones. Also the plantations of corsican pine
(Pinus nigra) are habitual accompanied in some occasions of wild pine. The beech (Fagus
sylvatica) and the holm oak (Quercus rotundifolia) are present. The fir (Abies alba) appears
very punctually. Close to the water courses there is habitual the presence of hazel (Corylus
avellana), hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna), ash (Fraxinus excelsior), poplar (Populus sp.)
and willow (Salix sp.). In all of them the boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) appears forming a
dense sotobosque, reaching arboreal appearance. There is habitual also the presence of
juniper (Juniperus communis) and gorse (Genista scorpius).
This mount presents a strong imbalance of natural classes ages. The most are in the
interval 50-70 years, shaping half-regulars and irregular forests (except the plantations). In
addition, it presents a potential risk of high fire, for the continuity and quantity of fuel,
increased by the deficit network of accesses.
These forests scarcely have been an object of intervention in the last years. The
intermediate treatments practically have been non-existent. To date they present a high
coefficient of slenderness. The forestry exploitation realized are regeneration clear fellings in
small surfaces, where the regeneration has been defective, supposing a loss of productive
potential. The quality of the wood is low, of limited dimensions and with branchy trunkes
(because they have an incomplete coverage). The demand of the exploitation of local
fuelwoods is diminishing, nowadays symbolically. This mount contemplates also other uses
of great relevancy like as grass and hunting one. Most of the surface presents a priority
protective aim, though zones exist with certain productive potential.
The forestry management tries to be an opportunity for his putting in value, removing it from
his current state of abandoned, supposing environmental improvements of a sustainable
form. It proposes to rejuvenate the most mature forests, applying regeneration clear fellings
with trituration of forestry remains and repopulation. In forests of intermediate age, it propose
different types of intermediate cuts. Also there is included the correct maintenance of existing
infrastructure (watering places for farm animals, enclosures, road and bridge on the river
Salazar) and the opening of accesses to the zones where it proposes to intervene, as well as
the adequacy of a circular track to Orlagatu's top and the creation of a recreative area next
the river Salazar. Likewise, It has the aim to support a structure of the mount in mosaic. For it
itestablishes the need to support adequately the pastures recovered in the last years, as well
as to create new zones of pasture, by means of mechanic clears, using also as management
tool the cattle.