González-Monaj, Raúl(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-03-01)
[EN] The golden age of the Spanish animation (1939-1955) —when over one hundred of short-films and other five feature-length animated films were produced— has always been interesting because of the difficult post-war context ...
Machuca Casares, Blanca(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-03-01)
[EN] Puppet theater is one of the most important traditions at Czech Republic, which has cana-lized the development of stop-motion anima-tion and theater. Karel Zeman entered in fil-mmaking through stop-motion, like Jiří ...
Roque López, Miguel Ángel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-03-01)
[EN] In this article we will look at the evolution and challenges involved the digital postproduction of the film El Hereje, produced in 2015, where have been used three-dimensional graphics ge-nerated by free software ...
Conde Aldana, Juan Alberto; Cristancho Hernández, Juan Manuel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-03-01)
[EN] The use of film and video projections in thea-trical staging and scenography is a common strategy in contemporary theatre. Animation is also part of the possibilities offered by audiovi-sual language to dramatic ...
Sansone, Vincenzo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-03-01)
La ópera, un género que a menudo se asocia al pasado, está más viva que nunca. Gracias a la aportación de directores y experimentadores provenientes del teatro, la ópera se ha convertido en uno de los campos por excelencia ...