Desde el lunes 3 y hasta el jueves 20 de marzo, RiuNet funcionará en modo de solo lectura a causa de su actualización a una nueva versión.
On behalf of the Organisation Committee of the International Congress on Archaeology, Computer Graphics, Cultural Heritage and Innovation ‘ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0’, it is a pleasure to invite our colleagues from all over the world to come to the 8th Edition of ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0 in Valencia, Spain, 5th – 7th September 2016. The lemma of the Congress is: ‘Advanced 3D documentation, modelling and reconstruction of cultural heritage objects, monuments and sites’. Researchers, professors, archaeologists, architects, engineers, art historians… from archaeology, computer graphics and geomatics dealing with cultural heritage are invited to share knowledge and experiences in the field of Virtual Archaeology. The participation of well-known researchers and enterprises is very much appreciated. An attractive and interesting schedule is arranged for the participants and visitors.
ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0 – 2016 is organised by the Spanish Society of Virtual Archaeology (SEAV), the Virtual Archaeology International Network (INNOVA), and the Universitat Politècnica de València in cooperation with CIPA Heritage Documentation.