[EN] In Tunisia, the breeding of rabbits often represents an importan!
componen! of projects of rural development. This breeding is
developed in small units (15 to 20 does) using technologies of the
industrial system ...
[EN] Twenty, 42-day old crossbred rabbits (New-Zealand x
Californian) were divided in 2 groups and raised in wire mesh
cages involving 5 rabbits per cage. During the 7 weeks of the
experiment, rabbits received daily one ...
Pascual Amorós, Juan José(World Rabbit Science. ICTA. UPV, 2001)
[EN] In the present work, the main recen! literature
concerning early weaning of young rabbits was reviewed. Available
information about the possible effect of early weaning practice on
reproductive females (corporal ...
[EN] Oxytetracycline (OTC) is an antimicrobial drug widely
used in the rabbit for treatment of intestinal and respiratory diseases
sustained by Pasteurella spp, Sa/mone//a spp. or E. Coli. This study
was carried out to ...
[EN] Two experiments were carried out to determine
differences in the fatty acid profile of two rabbit muscles, /ongissimus
dorsi (l.d.) and vastus latera/is (v.I.). Fatty acid analysis was carried
out by gas chromatography ...