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Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas- Vol. 17 (2022)

RiuNet: Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Desde el lunes 3 y hasta el jueves 20 de marzo, RiuNet funcionará en modo de solo lectura a causa de su actualización a una nueva versión.

Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas- Vol. 17 (2022)


Tabla de contenidos


  • Exploring the relationship between L2 language proficiency, language learning strategies, and self-efficacy: evidence from chilean classrooms
  • DOCUTERM: terminological uses documentation model
  • "(Im)polite strategies in telecinematic discourse: irony and sarcasm in the TV series "Vis a Vis"
  • Loanword neology: the morphological adaptation of gender in lexical neologisms borrowed from English
  • The Effect of Task Modality in Heritage Bilingualism Research
  • Mapping discourse genres: routes to assess plurilingual discourse coompetence
  • Toward the morpho-syntactic annotation of an Old English corpus with universal dependencies
  • Approach to a semantic and pragmatic analysis of indicators for the determination of authorship in forensic Linguistic
  • Analysis of attributive adjectives in written chess texts
  • Desubjectivizing discourse through the use of the periphrasis haber que + infinitive in Spanish
  • Advances in the automatic lemmatization of Old English: class V strong verbs (L-Y)

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