[ES] The imperfections in the wheel-rail contact are one of the main sources of generation of railway vibrations. Consequently, it is essential to take expensive corrective maintenance measures, the results of which may ...[+]
[ES] The imperfections in the wheel-rail contact are one of the main sources of generation of railway vibrations. Consequently, it is essential to take expensive corrective maintenance measures, the results of which may be unknown. In order to assess the effectiveness of these measures, this work develops a vehicle-track interaction model in the time domain of a curved track with presence of rail corrugation on the inner rail. To characterize the behavior of the track, a numerical finite element model is developed using ANSYS software, while the behavior of the vehicle is characterized by a multi-body model of two masses developed with VAMPIRE software. Thus, the wheel-rail forces are obtained by the multi-body model and then applied to the finite elements model. Thus, the vibrational response of the track is obtained. The results of the process are validated with real data and used to assess from a technical and economical point of view the effectiveness of several construction solutions in the vibration generation phenomenon. Special attention has been paid to the rail grinding solution.
[CA] Les imperfeccions en el contacte roda-carril són una de les principals fonts de generació de vibracions ferroviàries. En cas de produir-se aquesta patologia, resulta essencial realitzar costoses campanyes de manteniment ...[+]
[CA] Les imperfeccions en el contacte roda-carril són una de les principals fonts de generació de vibracions ferroviàries. En cas de produir-se aquesta patologia, resulta essencial realitzar costoses campanyes de manteniment correctiu, els resultats de les quals poden arribar a ser desconegudes. Per aquest motiu, el present Treball Fi de Grau desenvolupa un model d'interacció via-vehicle en el domini del temps d'un tram de via corba amb presència de desgast ondulatori en el fil baix. Amb la finalitat de caracteritzar el comportament de la via, es desenvolupa un model numèric d'elements finits mitjançant software ANSYS, mentre que per a caracteritzar el comportament del vehicle es desenvolupa un model multi-cos de dues masses mitjançant software VAMPIRE. Gràcies al model multi-cos s'obtenen les forces de contacte roda-carril, les quals són posteriorment aplicades al model d'elements finits amb el qual s'obté la resposta vibratòria de la via. Els resultats del procés són validats amb dades reals i utilitzats per a avaluar des d'un punt de vista tècnic i econòmic l'efectivitat de diverses tècniques constructives en la reducció de vibracions posant l'accent principalment en la tècnica de l¿amolat.
[EN] The imperfections in the wheel-rail contact are one of the main sources of generation of railway vibrations. Consequently, it is essential to take expensive corrective maintenance measures, the results of which may ...[+]
[EN] The imperfections in the wheel-rail contact are one of the main sources of generation of railway vibrations. Consequently, it is essential to take expensive corrective maintenance measures, the results of which may be unknown. In order to assess the effectiveness of these measures, this work develops a vehicle-track interaction model in the time domain of a curved track with presence of rail corrugation on the inner rail. To characterize the behavior of the track, a numerical finite element model is developed using ANSYS software, while the behavior of the vehicle is characterized by a multi-body model of two masses developed with VAMPIRE software. Thus, the wheel-rail forces are obtained by the multi-body model and then applied to the finite elements model. Thus, the vibrational response of the track is obtained. The results of the process are validated with real data and used to assess from a technical and economical point of view the effectiveness of several construction solutions in the vibration generation phenomenon. Special attention has been paid to the rail grinding solution.