Santamaría Pérez, María Luisa(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-11-02)
[EN] In a state of law, a citizen must live under the protection of their fundamental rights.
Therefore, when authorities makes an intervention in a family nucleus and separates
children from their parents for alleged ...
Guerra, Cristobal; Castillo, Juan Carlos(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-11-02)
[EN] There is enough evidence that the family support, especially from the parents, prevents
the symptomatology in adolescents who have suffered sexual abuse. However, the study
of the role by the peer support has not ...
Vázquez-Pastor Jiménez, Lucía(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-11-02)
[EN] In recent years the number of minors, undergoing serious behavioral problems, has
significantly increased in our country. The urgent need to provide these children with a -
more structured- social, educational and ...
Rodríguez Otero, Luis Manuel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-11-02)
[EN] Teenage pregnancy refers to that between early adolescence or puberty. Pregnancy and
maternity during this period involves different consequences to personal, family and
social level. Stressing question as mortality, ...
García Mínguez, Jesús; Sánchez Ramos, Juan Manuel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-11-02)
[EN] The present study aims to become in educational tool management a general social
problem among teenagers as it’s the management of experienced emotions during the
practice of sports and leisure activities. The SOS ...