[EN] The short paper introduces and discusses the concept of a workshop for
students of the Bachelor of Science in Business Information Technology study
program at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northweste ...
[EN] It has been long known that quality assurance (QA) is a system to develop
quality standards in Thailand. However, it is not easy to implement the
concept throughout a whole organization, for example, to include in ...
[EN] The 21st century university has the big educational challenge of how to
encourage “a will to learn” in students living in a world saturated with a
huge amount of information and distractions. A needed step to keep ...
Lopez-Perea, Eva Maria; Mariscal Saldaña, Miguel Angel; García Herrero, Susana(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-10-27)
[EN] In this paper we present a hands-on experiment for measuring learning
through teamwork applied to solving a real problem.
The experiment is part of the Production Systems course and involves
designing a Poka-Yoke, ...
[EN] In this paper quality orientation process of Tehran University was evaluated.
For effective change human resource of organization must have five
qualities: Awareness about need to change; Desire to make the ...