[EN] When the yeast is grown in a nutrient-rich liquid medium, its growth curve consists of three main phases: adap-tation (or lag) phase, exponential (or log) phase and stationary phase. Buchanan's model is ...
Gallart Palau, Cèsar; Ferrando Palomares, Irene; García-Raffi, L. M.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-08-01)
[EN] n this paper we present a comparative analysis of the resolution process of three modeling tasks per-formed by secondary education students (13-14 years), designed from three di erent points of view: ...
Albarracín, Lluís(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-08-01)
[EN] Fermi problems have been widely used in Physics teaching at university level in the UnitedStates. Multiple recommendations for use in other educational areas can be found in theliterature, as the case ...
[EN] An academic experience consisting of mounting and using a 3d printer in the secondary school class ofTechnology is described. Also the methodology developed by teachers responsible of the ...
Roldán-Blay, Carlos; Pérez-Sánchez, Modesto(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-08-01)
[EN] Three-phase electrical power lines are di cult to model elements due to a number of phenomena that in othervoltage levels may be negligible. To calculate basic parameters (resistance, ...