[EN] In the Western Hemisphere, in countries where the
demand for rabbit meat is low, and where intensive livestock production
systems are common (e.g., commercial broiler, swine, and cattle
production), it may not be ...
[EN] This article reviews some actual trends in rabbit nutrition.
To be more competitive with poultry and pig production, a further
reduction of the overall feed conversion rate of rabbitries till 3.25 is
necessary. ...
[EN] Sorne aspects of the current status and promotional
strategies of rabbit production in Nigeria were appraised in this study.
This was because such data are lacking and rabbit production offers a
great potential ...
[EN] The principal objectives of rabbit feeding strategies are to
limit digestive disorders, shorten rearing time and increase dressing
percentage. Besides, new attention is placed on the carcass
composition in terms ...
[EN] Growth data from 2033 individuals and carcass data
from 1386 individuals representing 3 Danish rabbit lines were analysed
to draw inferences on genetic parameters, using restricted maximum
likelihood (REML) procedures ...