Peñate Cabrera, Marcos(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-07-02)
[EN] Although assessment experts have been researching the relationship between the different types of tasks and their level of difficulty, this process of analysis should be pursued further in order to acquire a more ...
Ortego Antón, María Teresa; Fernández Nistal, Purificación(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-07-02)
[EN] In recent decades there has been a revolution in expert knowledge, so general vocabulary has been gradually enlarged with a great number of terms traditionally limited to specialised discourse. In addition, expert ...
Fernández Smith, Gérard(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-07-02)
[EN] The following paper is intended to display an approach to theoretical concepts regarding the field of language policy and planning, by presenting a series of examples of policies in different ambits which cannot be ...
Durán Escribano, Mª Pilar; Rubio Moreda, Ana Luz(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-07-02)
[EN] The purpose of this study is to analyse the competent use of EAP linguistic features (passive voice, use of nominal groups, typical verb forms, and modality), by the Technical University of Madrid engineering students, ...
Díaz Hormigo, María Tadea(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-07-02)
[EN] Research on neologisms can be of assistance in updating the entries of the elements of word formation in general dictionaries, although it is necessary first to clarify the concepts of “neology” and “neologism”, in ...