Ripoll, Sergio; Mayoral, Olga; Azkárraga, Jose Maria(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-01-31)
[EN] The Quick Natura project aims to approach people of the city of Valencia to the green areas around them,in a fast and pleasant way. The initiative is based on the use of new technologies to connect the physicalwith ...
Mayoral García-Berlanga, Olga; Talavera Ortega, Marta(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-01-31)
[EN] This paper proposes the use of modelling to improve the understanding of certain coastal environmentalproblems. In particular the methodological basis that was used to build a consensus teaching model, ...
Menoyo Díaz, María del Pilar(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-01-31)
[EN] This article presents the project \Doing science in order to communicate about science from 1st courseof ESO : learning to think, to read, to make to communicate and to write science", awarded with ...
Fombuena Borrás, Vicent; Boronat Vitoria, Teodomiro; Sánchez Nacher, Lourdes; García Sanoguera, David; Balart Gimeno, Rafael Antonio(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-01-31)
[EN] The present article makes a brief description about the simplest mathematical models of viscoelasticity:Maxwell Model and Kelvin-Voigt Model. However, these basic models have a number of limitations ...
Quílez, Juan; Segura, Carlos; Cardeñosa, Manuel; Thibaut, Elena; Olmo, Julio; Crespo, Rafael; Azkárraga, José María(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-01-31)
[EN] In this work it is both discussed and provided a framework of speci c competences that may serve asa guide for setting up an ongoing process in the professional development of Science, ...