Aleixos Borrás, María Inmaculada(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-10-26)
[EN] Investments in data infrastructures, data management, data repositories, and Open Data sharing policies and recommendations are viewed as increasingly important for scientific knowledge production. One of the underlying ...
Stel, Vianda S.; Boenink, Rianne; Astley, Megan E.; Boerstra, Brittany A.; Radunovic, Danilo; Skrunes, Rannveig; Ruiz San Millán, Juan C.; Slon Roblero, Maria F.; Bell, Samira; Mingo, Pablo Ucio; ten Dam, Marc A.G.J.; Ambühl, Patrice M.; Resic, Halima; Rodríguez Arévalo, Olga Lucía; Aresté-Fosalba, Nuria(Oxford University Press, 2024-03-11)
[EN] Background This paper compares the most recent data on the incidence and prevalence of kidney replacement therapy (KRT), kidney transplantation rates, and mortality on KRT from Europe to those from the United States ...
Aranda, Diego F.; Trejos, Deccy Y.; Valverde, Jose C.; Villanueva Micó, Rafael Jacinto(Wiley: 12 months, 2012-02)
In this paper, we analyze the Babesiosis transmission dynamics on bovine and tick populations. Ticks play a role of infec- tious agents and vector of the protozoan Babesia hemo-parasite. In this sense, we set out a ...
[EN] A qPCR-based method was developed to detect and quantifyPodosphaera pannosa, the main causal agent of peach powdery mildew. A primer pair was designed to target part of the ITS region of the fungal ribosomal DNA, which ...
[EN] Pepper (Capsicum annuum) plants with the
Tsw resistance gene showing unusually severe symptoms
consisting of local lesions, chlorosis, stunting and
systemic necrosis on the apical leaves were found in a
commercial ...
Poveda Giner, Joan Josep(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-05-09)
[ES] Actualmente existe una clara concienciación de la población por la sostenibilidad, el cuidado del medio ambiente y el bienestar animal. Pero, además los consumidores exigen alimentos seguros lo que implica a toda la ...
Álvaro Meca, A.; Debón Aucejo, Ana María; Gil Prieto, R.; Gil de Miguel, Á.(WB Saunders, 2012-10)
Objectives: In recent years, the incidence of breast cancer has increased in Spain but
mortality has decreased, particularly since 1992. Despite the general decrease in mortality,
the intensity of this disease differs ...
Ingresa-Capaccioni, S; Jiménez Trigos, María Estrella; Marco Jiménez, Francisco; Català, Pablo; Vega García, Santiago; Marin Orenga, Clara(Oxford University Press, 2016-03)
[EN] While horizontal transmission is a route clearly linked to the spread of Campylobacter at the farm level, few studies support the transmission of Campylobacter spp. from breeder flocks to their offspring. Thus, the ...
[EN] A highly mobile insertion sequence designated IS1110 was detected in Mycobacterium avium strain LR541 following an observed increase in size of the plasmid pLR20. Genomic libraries of M. avium strains carrying either ...
Serra Martínez, Víctor(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-10-05)
[ES] El moteado causado por Fusicladium eriobotryae es la principal enfermedad
que afecta al cultivo del níspero. Este hongo, causa manchas en el fruto depreciándolo para su
comercialización, pudiendo alcanzar mermas ...
Lozano Yubero, Daniel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-07-29)
[ES] El SARS-CoV-2 (del inglés severe acute respiratory síndrome coronavirus 2) es un virus respiratorio causante de la COVID-19. Como ya ocurre con otros virus respiratorios, el SARS-CoV-2 se excreta también en heces lo ...
De Oliveira, Michelle Jardelina; Laranjeira, Delson; Saraiva Camara, Marcos Paz; Ferraz Laranjeira, Francisco; Armengol Fortí, Josep; Michereff, Sami Jorge(Universidade Estadual de Maringá, 2014-07)
[EN] Corky dry rot, caused by Fusarium semitectum, is the main postharvest disease of melons in
Brazil. This study investigated the effects of wounding, humidity, temperature, and inoculum
concentration on the severity ...
Sáez Garrido, María José(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013-04-18)
[ES] En Abril del 2002, la EFSA añadió a la lista de tóxicos alimentarios la acrilamida, sustancia catalogada como probable carcinógeno. Esta sustancia se forma a partir de la Reacción de Maillard entre los azúcares ...
Navarrete-López, Claudia Fernanda; Herrera Fernández, Antonio Manuel; Brentan, B. M.; Luvizotto Jr., E.; Izquierdo Sebastián, Joaquín(MDPI AG, 2019-02)
[EN] Epidemiology-based models have shown to have successful adaptations to deal with challenges coming from various areas of Engineering, such as those related to energy use or asset management. This paper deals with urban ...
Cortés Moñiz, Verónica(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-07-12)
[ES] En la actualidad, la avicultura es un pilar económico para diversos países a nivel mundial y sus productos, una pieza clave en la alimentación de muchos consumidores. El constante crecimiento de la industria y una ...
[EN] Fusicladium eriobotryae is the causal agent of loquat scab, the main disease damaging fruit, leaves and young twigs of this crop. A two-growing season study (2015¿2016 and 2016¿2017) was carried out in two loquat ...
López-Martín, María; Sifres Cuerda, Alicia Gemma; Gómez-Guillamón, Maria Luisa; Picó Sirvent, María Belén; Pérez De Castro, Ana María(Blackwell Publishing, 2024-02)
[EN] Viral infections on cucurbits fields can cause major economic losses. Monitoring of the main producing areas is essential to identify both prevalent and emerging viruses. For two consecutive years (2019-2020), the ...
Ortiz, Alberto; Kramer, Anneke; Ariceta, Gema; Rodríguez Arévalo, Olga L.; Gjerstad, Ann C.; Santiuste, Carmen; Trujillo-Alemán, Sara; Ferraro, Pietro Manuel; Methven, Shona; Santamaria, Rafael; Naumovic, Radomir; Resic, Halima; Hommel, Kristine; Segelmark, Marten; Ambuehl, Patrice M.(Oxford University Press, 2024-12)
[EN] Background Inherited kidney diseases (IKDs) and congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) are causes of kidney failure requiring kidney replacement therapy (KRT) that major renal registries usually ...
Guadalajara Olmeda, María Natividad; Barrachina Martínez, Isabel; De la Poza, Elena; Vivas Consuelo, David José Juan; Caballer Tarazona, María(Elsevier, 2011-10)
Background: Population-based anxiolytics consumption (AX) is a widely debated subject because long-term AX may lead to tolerance and addiction. This study aims to obtain mathematical models that identify the various ...
Pinto, Carla M. A.; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Burgos-Simon, Clara(John Wiley & Sons, 2024-03-30)
[EN] In this paper, we propose a modified Susceptible-Infected-Quarantine-Recovered (mSIQR) model, for the COVID-19 pandemic. We start by proving the well-posedness of the model and then compute its reproduction number and ...